We deal with broiler hatching eggs ( purchase and sales) We can offer the deals on the territory of EU, third countries, Africa and Asia. We are interested in products like Ross 308, Cobb 500, Hubbard and others. Beside broiler hatching eggs we are interested in different laying hatching eggs like Lohmann, Hyline, Isa and others. We also deal with slaes of day old broiler chickens of popular meat type type birds. We can also help in organizing the transport of hatching eggs and chickens of all types around the world. We are also a consulting company. Our specialists deal with the service of PS broiler farms in Poland and abroad concerning the zootechnical and veterinarian service. We are interested in broiler hatcheries where we can offer the knowledge of hatching the day old chickens and serological safety of chicks.
Tomasz Losiak
MOBILE: +48 609 683 007
ul.Tkacka 11, 84-230 Rumia
VAT: PL 8411015711
click to email: Tomasz Losiak
Polish Version